
Book Club Bash Hop: Review: X-It by Jane George

By 3:50 PM , , ,

http://www.novelpublicity.com/events/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/X-It-BookCover-Front-Only-revised.jpgLOVE IS A DRUG.

In 1980 NYC, eighteen-year-old J.J. Buckingham is an uptight trendoid. Working as a mannequin painter and a counter girl, she moonlights as a creature of the nightclubs. J.J. falls for aloof, crazy-talented artist and bicycle messenger X-It. In order to win his love, she succumbs to the dark machinations of drug dealer Marko Voodoo. X-It will love her if she’s the queen of underground Manhattan, right? Her plan backfires with horrendous consequences. J.J. must scrap her way out of a maze of drugs, clubs, and danger before she realizes she’s worthy of a better life. And true love might just come in the form of a clean-cut geek in Buddy Holly glasses.


This book was a roller coaster in the best way possible!!! Going on this crazy nostalgic ride with J.J. was amazing and very very very 80s. Not bad 80s but like all those things that the ones that didn't live during that time hear about it and wish we were apart of (I was born in 1990. You do the math.). So my comparison would be a tame Sid and Nancy and that one movie with Robert Downey Jr. and Molly Ringwald but not as campy. It's a weird reference but it's the only one I got!

X-It has you rooting for the underdog and in love with characters that if they were real you would want to help them with every part of your being! I highly suggest this if you are an 80s-phile, need some nostalgia from days past, or just need a good read!

This review is part of Novel Publicity's Book Club Bash Hop! 

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  1. Hi and thanks for the review! I'm going to have to watch that Robert Downey Jr. & Molly Ringwald movie, sounds fun.
