Interview: Darby Davenport author of Walk Away with Me

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Walk Away With Me week is never going to end! I wish! But for now, I'd like to welcome romance author, Darby Davenport, to the blog today as part of the celebration for the launch of her new novella, Walk Away with Me. You may know Darby under her other pen name, Emlyn Chand.

You're fairly well known as a YA author, why did you decide to start writing romance as well?

My life-long love affair with reading knows no bounds. I find it hard to write in only one genre when I enjoy reading so many. While I plan to right much more YA (I have to finish the Farsighted series, after all), I'm also drawn to romance in particular. Who doesn't love a happy ending that leaves the reader feeling warm and cozy? My cheerful romances help to counterbalance my dark and brooding YA. Together, they form the complete picture of who I am as an author. I wouldn't trade either for the world!

What are you doing differently with one pen name versus the other? Are you worried that the two different names will fracture your author identity?

It's definitely scary starting all over with a new pen name. I have 9 books out as Emlyn Chand, and this is just my first as Darby. YIKES! My publisher and I decided it would be best for me to take on this new romance alias to protect my younger readers from accidentally picking up a book they shouldn't be reading. My Bird Brain Book series is for readers ages 3 and up, while Walk Away with Me is really only for the 18+ crowd.
At first it was difficult figuring out where Emlyn ended and Darby began, but now I've really started getting into the whole multiple personalities thing. Yes, I have to start over with my author brand, but on the other hand... I get to start over! I've learned so much since first releasing Farsighted back in October 2011. I now have the opportunity to do everything better, stronger, faster. Maybe the lessons I learned as Emlyn will unlock a higher success for Darby. I don't know what the future holds, but I'm so excited to find out!

What is your favorite thing about the romance genre?

The idea that no matter how bad things get, everyone in entitled to a happily-ever-after.

You dedicated Walk Away with Me first to your dogs and then to your husband—why?

As much as I love my husband, this book really was written for the dogs. The two dogs in the book are modeled after our three dogs at home. My Lhasa Apso, Rugby, played a huge role in my love story with my husband. In fact, during our early days dating, Rugby would get so upset when Falcon wasn't around that he refused to eat, to play, to do anything but mope around and try to electrocute himself by chewing on cables. True story!
Dogs are such loving, intelligent creatures, and it breaks my heart that so many of them are without homes. Walk Away with Me isn't just an opus dedicated to my dogs but to all rescue dogs. There's even a special section in the back of the book where I talk about my lovable mutts, how they came to me, and why everyone should consider giving one of these wonderful animals a second chance at life.

What kind of reader will enjoy Walk Away with Me?

Obviously, I primarily had a female audience in mind, but if fellas are willing to give it a chance, I think they'll find Charlie is a woman they can get behind. Lovers of animals, nature, Thai food, and Cesar Milan will also enjoy the story :-)

About Walk Away with Me

A man with a painful past, a woman who fears commitment, and a dog with only one more chance at life--together, can they find love?
What is Charlie Rockwell supposed to do when the sad Rottweiler's eyes connect with hers through the TV screen and work their way straight into her heart? She adopts him without a second thought or the slightest knowledge how to take care of the large, needy dog with the traumatic past.
Ethan Porter is not happy when a savage Rottweiler picks a fight with his mild-mannered Golden Retriever at the dog park. But his anger quickly dissipates when tears begin to form behind the eyes of the dog's beautiful owner--eyes that are far too familiar for his liking. Disregarding his instincts, Ethan can't deny her plea when she asks him to teach her the basics of dog ownership.
Can he ignore the fact that she bears a strong resemblance to his ex and finally learn to trust again? Will she find committing to both man and dog more exciting than the freedom of a single, unrestrained life?
Walk Away with Me is just $2.99 for the eBook and $9.95 for the paperback. Here are all the links you'll need: Amazon USAmazon UKBarnes & NobleSmashwordsKobo BooksGoodReads.
"Lovable characters, compelling plot, and an exciting twist that will leave you on the edge of your seat as Charlie and Ethan find their happily-ever-after." ~ Lucy Kevin, New York Times bestselling author of THE WEDDING KISS

About Darby Davenport

Darby Davenport never believed in love--that is, until it happened to her. Now she's a firm believer that every story is a love story, and has taken to writing out her favorite romantic fantasies and sharing them with the world.
Darby, who also writes young adult and children's fiction under the pen name Emlyn Chand, lives in suburban Detroit with her own personal soul mate--fellow writer, Falcon Storm--and private zoo, which includes a music-loving Sun Conure, hyper-active Golden Retriever, and two scrappy little rescue mutts.
You can connect with her at

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