
More Clockwork Teasers!!

By 10:39 PM , , ,

So I'm a little slow to the show, but for those that don't know, Cassandra Clare realeased her teaser of Clockwork Prince for the month of August last week! Here it is for those, like me, who haven't seen it yet!!

Dear sensible Miss Gray,
I write to you on behalf of a mutual friend, one William Herondale. I know that it is his habit to come and go — most often go — from the Institute as he pleases, and that therefore it may be some time before any alarm is raised at his absence. But I ask you, as one who holds your good sense in esteem, not to assume this absence to be of the ordinary sort. I saw him myself last night and he was, to say the least, distraught when he left my residence. I have reason for concern that he might do himself an injury, and therefore I suggest that his whereabouts be sought and his safety ascertained. He is a difficult young man to like but I believe you see the good in him, as I do, Miss Gray, and that is why I humbly address my letter to you —
Your servant,
Magnus Bane

Isn't awesome?!!! I'm super excited for this book! But we all know as soon as we get it and read it all at once we'll be begging for more!!

For more of Cassie's teasers click here!

Also if you haven't pre-ordered it yet make sure you do so by going here

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