
Pre-Comic Wednesday: The Bionic Man #1

By 3:15 PM , ,

The wonderful site PREVIEWSWorld, has a sneak peek of Kevin Smith's new venture with Dynamite Entertainment, The Bionic Man.

Issue one comes out this Wednesday and should be on everyone's list!


Steve Austin is back and acclaimed film maker Kevin Smith unleashes his high octane vision in this new series from Dynamite. Featuring 28 pages of story/art, Kevin Smith is joined by Phil Hester, artist Jonathan Lau, and cover artist/character designer Alex Ross (the team who brought you the main Green Hornet series), Smith unleashes Bionic Man into the 21st century as only he can. Covers by Alex Ross, Paul Renaud (1-in-10), Stephen Segovia (1-in-15), Jonathan Lau (1-in-20).

It honestly looks amazing and for those who read Smith's "Green Hornet" know that this should not disappoint!

I'm happy that Steve Austin is making a comeback in some form and the fact that Smith is writing it makes me a very giddy fangirl!

Again the first issue comes out on August 24th. To see more of the preview click here.

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